CHURCH 124 Maple Avenue Johnstown, PA 15901
VIGIL MASSES FOR SUNDAY Saturday: 4:00 PM - St. Clare of Assisi Church
SUNDAY MASSES 8:00 AM and 10:30 AM - Resurrection Church
WEEKDAY MASSES Monday: 6:30 PM - St. Clare of Assisi Church Tuesday: 8:00 AM - Resurrection Church Wednesday: 8:00 AM - Resurrection Church Thursday: No Mass Friday: 8:00 AM - Resurrection Church
RECONCILIATION Saturday: 2:30 - 3:00 PM at Resurrection Church Saturday: 3:30 - 4:00 PM at St. Clare of Assisi Church or by appointment
WEEKLY ROSARY Mondays and Fridays at noon at the Resurrection Parish's Oratory
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION * The first Friday of each month at 6:30 PM at Resurrection Church
* After the 6:30 PM Mass on the second Monday of each month at St. Clare of Assisi Church
SATURDAY, January 25 - 9th Grade Baptism Retreat 1:30-4:30 PM St. Benedict’s School gym. Parents are required to attend retreats.
SUNDAY, January 26 - Religious Education 9:00-10:15 AM Resurrection Parish Center, Oratory and Oratory Hall.
SUNDAY, February 2 - Religious Education 9:00-10:15 AM Resurrection Parish Center, Oratory and Oratory Hall.
SUNDAY, February 9 - Religious Education 9:00-10:15 AM Resurrection Parish Center, Oratory and Oratory Hall.
SUNDAY, February 9 - Confirmation Session 9B, 10B and 11C 8:45 until 10:15 AM in the St. John Paul II Building at St. Benedict Church Complex .
SUNDAY, February 16 - No classes
SUNDAY, February 23 - Religious Education 9:00-10:15 AM Resurrection Parish Center, Oratory and Oratory Hall.
SATURDAY, March 1- 9th Grade Baptism Retreat 1:30-4:30 PM St. Benedict’s School gym.
SUNDAY, March 2 - Religious Education 9:00-10:15 AM Resurrection Parish Center, Oratory and Oratory Hall.
WOMEN OF THE BIBLE DISCUSSION: The faith-sharing group Women of the Bible will not be meeting on January 23 and during the month of February.
BULLETIN DEADLINE: The deadline for bulletin submissions is WEDNESDAY AT 9:00 AM. Most bulletin announcements will remain in the bulletin for up to two weeks. If you have something that you want published in the bulletin please email all items to resurrectionparishbulletin@gmail.com or stclareofassisi@atlanticbb.net or call either Parish Office during regular business hours.
SANCTUARY LIGHT INTENTIONS can be scheduled in memory of loved ones or for special intentions by calling either parish office during regular business hours. The cost is $5.00 at both Churches and the Oratory.
BLESSED BLANKETS: The Sewing Ministry invites any parishioner who has a loved one who is ill or is in need of comfort to take a blessed blanket to them. Many hours of prayer went into making these hand-made articles
THE BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP will meet on Sunday, February 23 at 4:00 PM in the Sewing Room (former Sweet Shoppe). We will be discussing “The Three Ordinary Voices of God” by Matthew Kelly.
“SOUP”ER BOWL SUNDAY: Once again, this year our parishes will be taking-up the annual “Soup”er Bowl Sunday collection that helps to support the St. Vincent de Paul Family Kitchen in Johnstown. Please consider sharing your blessings with those less fortunate. Envelopes will be included with the bulletins this weekend.
LITURGICAL MINISTERS: The next liturgical ministry schedule will begin on Ash Wednesday, March 5 and end on Pentecost Sunday, June 8. If you are involved in a ministry and would like to have any of your preferences changed, please notify George Pisula no later than February 8, by phone at 814-254-1961 or by email at ggpisula@breezeline.net. As is customary, the services of the Easter Triduum will be handled in a separate schedule. New ministers are always welcome, and minsters are reminded that they are invited to share their services at both Resurrection and St. Clare of Assisi parishes. PRESIDENTS' DAY: Both parish offices will be closed on Monday, February 17 in observance of Presidents' Day.
HONORING THE FEAST OF ST. BLAISE: Following each Mass for Sunday obligation the weekend of February 1 and 2 (Saturday, 4:00 PM, Sunday, 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM) there will be individual opportunities for the blessing of throats.
CANDLES: Parishioners are invited to bring candles to Mass this weekend to have them blessed. Candles will also be available for a donation at all Masses.
CHOIR REHEARSAL will be held on Thursday, February 6 at 6:30 PM at Resurrection Church. New members are always welcome!! If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Emily at: (814) 242-4995 or emilyroy411@gmail.com.
THE SEWING MINISTRY MEETINGS will resume on Wednesday, February 12 at 9:30 AM in the Sewing Room. All are welcome. Anyone interested in sewing, knitting, crochet or embroidery, we have something for you to do for charity. If you need another time to participate, please let us know. Most of our supplies are donated and participants work from home.
RERSURRECTION PARISH'S ST PATRICK'S DAY SPECIAL - The $5.00 tickets are available at both weekend Masses at Resurrection church. They can also be obtained at the Parish Center, Symon's Car Wash and Remmco Plumbing. If you have any questions please contact Chris Falduto at 814/535-1054.
THE LAST BREAKFAST OF THE SEASON will be held on Sunday, February 9 after the morning Masses in Resurrection Church Hall. Sausage, eggs, hash browns and toast will be served. Please join us! Ninth, 10th, and 11th grade students can receive service hours. The cost remains $5.00.
SWEET TOOTH SALE!! Chocolate covered Peanuts, Raisins, Macadamias, Oreos, Pretzels and Nutter Butters will be available on the Sewing Ministry table at the Breakfast on Sunday, February 9 in Resurrection church hall. Pecan Horns will be available too!
CHURCH CLEANING: Volunteers are needed as we will be doing routine cleaning at Resurrection Church on Tuesday, February 18, 2025, starting at 8:30 AM. Please consider sharing your time and talent! Many hands make light work! Cleaning usually takes only about 1 – 1 ½ hours. Any help is greatly appreciated!
ST. CLARE OF ASSISI PARISH COUNCIL will meet on Saturday, February 22 after the 4:00 PM Mass in St. Clare of Assisi church. Parishioners are welcome to attend.
DIOCESAN SPRING PRIESTS' PRESENTATIONS: For information on and registration for the Spring Priests' Presentations scheduled for March 29, go to Resurrection's web page.
DIOCESAN MEN'S CONFERENCE:: For information on and registration for the Strength in Christ Men's Conference scheduled for March 30, go to Resurrection's web page.
February 2025
January 2025
For copies of earlier bulletins, press the link below -- Find earlier copies of the bulletins here
For our parish to survive, it is important that we all continue giving our weekly contributions to the Church. This can be done by mailing your envelopes to the parish office, 110 Maple Avenue.
Also, for your convenience, online giving has been set up through the Diocesan website at www.dioceseaj.org/giving. Click the Make a Donation button under Your Parish Offertory. You can then choose to make a recurring donation or a one-time donation. After entering an amount, be sure to select our parish and enter your banking or credit card information. God bless you at this time of crisis. Our love and prayers are with you and thank you for continuing to support our parish.
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