Avoiding Abortion - Pregnancy Help Centers
There are realistic alternatives to abortion.

Real Alternatives - Pregnant? Need Help? Find the pregnancy help center nearest you.
Or call 1-888-LifeAid for immediate help. Espaņol also.

The Nurturing Network - There is a positive alternative to abortion.

Heartbeat International - Since 1971, Heartbeat has supported, strengthened and started more than 1,500 pregnancy centers.

Pregnancy Centers Online - Find a pregnancy center near you.

Care Net - Promoting, equipping, and developing pregnancy centers for over twenty years.

Call the National Life Center National Toll-Free Hotline 24 Hours a Day, Every Day of the Year at 1-800-848-love.

Parents Facing Prenatal Diagnoses
Anencephaly Support Foundation helps families facing a prenatal diagnosis of anencephaly.

Perinatal Hospice - An article with information on supporting the family of a child facing a fatal diagnosis in-utero.

Be Not Afraid - Online support network for families facing grave prenatal diagnoses.

Choices Medical Clinic - Pro-life center next to George Tiller's infamous late-term abortion mill.

Waiting With Love - For parents whose child is expected to die before birth.

Protecting Yourself and Your Unborn Child - Guidelines for women being encouraged to abort for maternal or fetal indications.

Perinatal Hospice Links

Women Facing At-Risk Pregnancy
Life Link Support System for Women with At Risk Pregnancies - Article and information.

Hyperemesis Gravidarum - For women facing severe, debilitating vomiting during pregnancy.

Protecting Yourself and Your Unborn Child - Guidelines for women being encouraged to abort for maternal or fetal indications.

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