Baby in the Womb
These are some of my favorite pictures. I just think they are awesome! |
Immediately upon fertilization your little one is set as a boy or a girl. This one cell has the DNA that not only tells who Mom and Dad are but the DNA that tells your of your child's special traits, such as the formula for his or her fingerprints.
Follow the development of your baby from the moment of fertilization through Week 14:
Fetal Development - 1st Trimester |
6 Week Old Fetus in Embryo Sac
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Fetus at 8th Week
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Feet at 10 weeks in Development
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18 Weeks Old in the Womb
Follow the development of your baby during the 2nd Trimester:
Fetal Development - 2nd Trimester
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3 months in Development
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5 Months Old - 20 to 23 Weeks
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7 to 8 Months Old in the Womb WAITING! HOPING!
Follow the development of your baby during the 3rd Trimester:
Fetal Development - 3rd Trimester |
Moundsville location is now open! |