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Citizens Concerned for Human Life, Inc., is a non-profit, non-partisan, non-denominational, social-service organization dedicated to upholding the truth about abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia. CCHL is composed of chapters made up of persons of all ages, sexes, races, and cultural backgrounds who share those beliefs and objectives.

Donations can be sent to CCHL, 862 Wheatfield Drive, State College, PA 16801

Become a member. You don't have to come to meetings! But we would like to keep you informed as to what is going on.

Donate your time - email us at info@ProLifeCentreCounty.org and let us know what your niche is.

Please pray for our cause daily and when you can, please send us a donation. Make your check out to Centre County CCHL and mail it to Centre County CCHL; 862 Wheatfield Drive, State College, PA 16801.

We are also part of the Central Pennsylvania CCHL region that has regional events. We have a huge opportunity to influence the lives of teens in this region by effectively promoting our Essay and Oratory contests. These contests budgets expect a donation of at least $400 from our chapter.

Being an affiliate of the PA Pro-Life Federation, we join the state organization in their support of www.teenbreaks.com - a fantastic website for teens, supported by the Rosetta Foundation. They have reached nearly 1.5 million visits and have another 40,000 visits from other websites.

The Rosetta Foundation spends $400 a day making sure they come up first in google if anyone should type in the keywords: 'abortion', 'teen abortion' or 'teen pregnancy.' They run out of money around 1pm each day. At that point, state contributions to the Rosetta Foundation can keep teenbreaks.com number 1 in their state through a special Google state setup. Read some of the comments by teens whose visit to teenbreaks.com changed their mind about abortion and you will see why we as a chapter make donations to support this website.

The Right To Life

The right to life is the fundamental right of every human being upon which all other rights are contingent.

A system of relative values for human life poses a grave public threat as has been shown by the history of mankind.
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Creighton Web Services

Website Setup for
Pro-Life Groups

Call Jan
(814) 623-1314

Copyright 2003