
 Pregnancy Help Centers
-You are not alone!

 Legislative Action Center

 York Pro-Life Coalition

 State Essay & Oratory Contests


 Upcoming Events


 Contact Us

Contact Us

xxxxxMail us at: Pro-Life of York County
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx634 Cypress Drive
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxHanover, PA 17331
xxxxxPhone: 717-253-0177
xxxxxEmail us at: Ployc22@outlook.com

Come Meet With Us!
We meet at Genesis Church monthly, the third Tuesday at 7:00 pm.
The address is 1405 Seven Valleys Road, York, Pa.
Click on Map to see where our meetings are.

Share your talents and time as we fight for life.

Mailing List and Email Notification List
If you have not yet signed up to be on our lists,
email us Ployc22@outlook.com your email & home address.
Stay Informed

Please feel free to contact us if you have any comments about pro-life issues, our pro-life activities, or our website. Just fill in the form below. Type in your email address if you wish a reply.

Please enter your email below (not required).

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Donald Trump Record on Life
Kamala Harris Record on Life
Robert Kennedy Jr Record

Website Setup for
Pro-Life Groups

Call Jan
(814) 623-1314

Copyright 2003