
 Teen Contests:
Regional & State
Essay & Oratory Contests

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Calling all Students in Grades 7-12
for Pro-Life Essay and Oratory Contests

Regional Oratory Contest ~ Written Copy Due: February 24, 2025
Regional Competition: March 2, 2025
State Pro-Life Essay Contest ~ March 1, 2025
State Pro-Life Speech Contest ~ April 18, 2025

Click here to find out more about all these pro-life contests.

Our teen contests are an excellent way for students to learn
about the pro-life issues we face. Please encourage any student
you know to enter one of our contests.

Click here to see the Top 42 Signs
at the 51st D.C. March for Life.

FOR TEENS: To subscribe to the Pennsylvania Pro-Life "Teen News"
E-mail Newsletter, e-mail lifelines@paprolife.org with the Subject
"Request Teens E-mail Newsletter".

Pregnant? Need Help?
Go to www.realalternatives.org

Had an Abortion? Need Healing?
Visit www.rachelsvineyard.org

In a shocking move, Governor Josh Shapiro did not renew the 28 year old contract with Real Alternatives, which administers the program which funds pregnancy resource centers, maternity homes, and adoption agencies throughout the Commonwealth.

The services that Real Alternatives provides to the women of Pennsylvania are crucial. Approximately 55% of women who come to their program considering abortion, choose life for their baby! Also, 91% of women pressured to abort choose to have their baby!

Over the last 28 years their compassionate support has helped over 14,000 women annually choose childbirth over abortion, receive adoption education, and improve parenting skills.

Go to www.realalternatives.org/support for more information and to donate to this necessary women empowering program so Real Alternatives can continue to offer the services that Planned Parenthood wants to end.

"Spectacular"- that is probably the best word that could be used to describe the 2023 Celebrate Life Banquet sponsored by the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation Education Fund.

Much of the credit goes to keynote speaker and cable news host Raymond Arroyo, who characterized the pro-life movement as a “movement of hope”, calling the PA affiliate of National Right to Life as a “sign and extender of hope”. Click to read more.

Thank you to all those who attended the Pennsylvania March for Life on Monday, October 16, 2023.
And a special thanks to State Rep. Jim Gregory who provided the bus to Harrisburg, light refreshments,
snacks & sandwiches, so there was no cost
for Blair & Bedford counties.

Life Chain Sunday
Thank you to all our pro-life friends who observed Respect Life Sunday with us by joining hundreds of Life Chains across our nation in silent, peaceful, & prayerful witness for life.
Please join us next year on the first Sunday in October - 10/6/24 to stand for an hour in prayer.
It is wrong to kill an innocent human being.
Abortion is the killing of an innocent human being.
Therefore abortion is wrong.
Abortion Pill Kills
Nearly 4 million preborn children have been killed, 24 maternal deaths and over 4,000 reports of adverse affects since FDA approval.
More info: https://www.liveaction.org/abortion-pill-kills/

Click https://www.liveaction.org/ban-chemical-abortions-petition/
to sign the Petition to BAN the abortion pill. SIGN NOW


Legislative Alerts
Contacting Legislators

You can receive legislative alerts by signing up for the PA LifeLinks email newsletter at the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation website. Click on www.paprolife.org. Scroll down to see "Get PA Pro-Life News in your Inbox". This signs you up for the PA LifeLinks email newsletter.

Click here for the current PA Legislative Alerts.

To find your state legislator, click here.

To receive alerts from the National Right to Life Committee, click on www.nrlc.org, scroll down on the right side to the red button "Sign Up Now". "Get the latest information and updates from National Right to Life in your inbox."

Click here for the current US Legislative Alerts.

Pro-Life display at the Bedford County 2020 Christmas Light Show
6-9 p.m Dec. 18-23 & Dec. 26-27 at the Bedford County Fairgrounds!

Thank you to all those who attended the March for Life in D.C.

Click on a County for Chapter Information:

Welcome to our Website

Citizens Concerned for Human Life, Inc., is a non-profit, non-partisan, non-denominational organization dedicated to educating and upholding the truth about abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, and embryonic stem cell research. CCHL is composed of chapters made up of persons of all ages, sexes, races, and cultural backgrounds.

Citizens Concerned for Human Life, Inc. is an affiliate of
the PA Pro-Life Federation & the National Right to Life Committee.

Much of our information is given in pdf/Acrobat Reader format.

To subscribe to the the PA Pro-Life Online News
E-mail lifelines@paprolife.org
Subject: Request E-mail Newsletter Online News

To subscribe to the PA Pro-Life Legislative Alerts
E-mail lifelines@paprolife.org
Subject: Request Legislative Alerts E-mails

To subscribe to the PA Pro-Life "Teen News"
E-mail lifelines@paprolife.org
Subject: Request Teen's E-mail Newsletter

Quote by Edmund Burke

"All that is necessary for evil to triumph
is for good men to do nothing."
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