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Legislative Action Center


The government made abortion a political issue when the Supreme Court legalized it in 1973.

"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
- Edmund Burke

The pro-lifer is not prejudiced against pro-choice candidates. The pro-lifer qualifies the candidate as to whether or not the candidate is guided by the Declaration of Independence, which states that all men are endowed with the right to life.

It is very important to know
what pro-life legislation
your representatives
have or have not

We have no choice but to fight for the lives of the most helpless of all human beings - the unborn.

The Supreme Court put the battle in the political arena. We fight where the fight is.

Because we are involved politically by distributing voters guides and encouraging citizens to contact their representatives when important life issues are being legislated, donations are not deductible for income tax purposes.


The Central PA CCHL region includes Bedford, Blair, Cambria, Centre, Clearfield, Fulton, Huntindon, Juniata, Mifflin, and Somerset counties.


Current Pro-Life Legislation

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Register to Vote

Know of a college student away from home or a shut-in or anyone who is not in the area when it is time to vote? Have them verify voter registration to make sure they are registered and then help them vote by absentee ballot.


Senator Patrick Toomey (R)
Click here to see Sen. Toomey's cosponsorship status on important legislation.
Contact Via Web Form
Washington Office: (202) 224-4254

Senator Robert P. Casey, Jr. (D)
Click here to see Sen. Casey's cosponsorship status on important legislation.
Contact Via Web Form
Washington Office: (202) 224-6324


The Central PA CCHL region is served by the 5th, 9th, and 12th Congressional Districts.

Representative John E. Peterson (R-District 5)
Click here to see Rep. Peterson's cosponsorship status on important legislation.
Contact Via Web Form
Washington Office: (202) 225-5121
Main District Office: (814) 238-1776

Representative Bill Shuster (R-District 9)
Click here to see Rep. Shuster's cosponsorship status on important legislation.
Contact Via Web Form
Washington Office: (202) 225-2431
Main District Office: (814) 696-6318
Somerset: (814) 443-3918

Representative John P. Murtha (D-District 12)
Click here to see Rep. Murtha's cosponsorship status on important legislation.
Contact Via Web Form
Washington Office: (202) 225-2065
Main District Office: (814) 535-2642

Find Your Representative


Governor Tom Wolf (D)
Contact Via Web Form
Phone: (717) 787-2500
Washington Office: (202) 638-3730

Pennsylvania State Senate
Enter your zip code to find out who your state senator is and his or her contact info.

Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Enter your zip code to find out who your state representative is and his or her contact info.


The Supreme Court decision in Roe v Wade basically said that they could not determine when an unborn became a human being or a person - ignoring evidence of biological and socialogical sciences and even our English language. And so they stripped the unborns right to life.

The Supreme Court decision in Doe v Bolton basically legalized abortion through all stages of pregnancy, including grueling partial birth abortion - all on the basis of "mother's health" - interpreted freely to include the inconvenience of the mother!


The Laws Are Simply Not In Place To Protect Us

Embryonic Stem Cell Research has been going on for 25 years without a single success and so big money interests wanting a return on their investments turn to federal funding. January 11, 2007 saw 15 more House members voting for federal funding.

Most people do not realize that Embryonic Stem Cells, if ever successful, will have obvious rejection problems that will require cloning in order to be successful.

Adult Stem Cells don't have rejection problems and have treated/cured thousands of people in over 70 diseases.

It doesn't stop at cloning as their are all sorts of immoral experiments being done in the Bio-Tech industry, such as mating animals of different species.


We Must Get The Laws In Place To Protect Us

Quote by Edmund Burke

"All that is necessary for evil to triumph
is for good men to do nothing."
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Website Setup for
Pro-Life Groups

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(814) 623-1314

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