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Pro-Life is Pro-Woman

Help Us Save the Babies & the Mom's

We truly believe that if people really knew what happens in an abortion - the pain the little one feels, the gruesomeness of it all, and how terribly it affects the mother and her loved ones - there would be laws against it. Abortion Risks

To be pro-choice has been associated with being pro-woman, when nothing is further from the truth.

Woman are coming forward expressing their grief and telling of the emptiness, the guilt, the depression they have experienced because of an abortion that they had. Not to mention the number of physical side-affects caused by having an abortion.

Through great resources that offer post-abortion healing services, post abortive women and men are not judged, but rather given comfort through pro-life support groups like Silent No More and Rachel's Vineyard Ministries. Healing Hearts provides confidential one to one e-mail and support group counseling to anyone suffering from the affects of an abortion.

For too long, abortion has been considered as only a women's issue. But for the men of lost fatherhood, that is not the truth. For every woman affected by abortion, there is also a man; both equal parents to the aborted child. As we begin to study the impact of lost fatherhood upon a man, most telling are their testimonies.

No doubt an unwanted pregnancy can cause intense stress and hardship in a variety of ways, but, the medical evidence is clear -- the physical and psychological consequences of abortion can be far worse.

Nine short months of pregnancy is a relatively small cost to pay in light of a lifetime of potential physical and mental health problems. How many women, and men, wish they could turn back the clock of time to save themselves from the agony of having an abortion?

There is no reason why any woman should go through surgery of any kind, especially induced abortion, or take powerful drugs that induce abortion, and not even be informed about potentially serious side effects. Pro-Woman is helping women make an informed choice. How ironic that Pro-Choice isn't Informed-Choice!

The latest statistics show that 64% of abortions are coerced!

Saving the Babies is All About Saving the Moms Too.

To Truly Stand Up For Women's Rights, You Must Be Actively Pro-Life.

God bless you for all you do for life!

The Right To Life

The right to life is the fundamental right of every human being upon which all other rights are contingent.

A system of relative values for human life poses a grave public threat as has been shown by the history of mankind.
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(814) 623-1314

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